Gifts for General Support Click here to make a onetime or recurring gift online. Financial gifts maintain and improve the facilities, provide programming, and fund scholarships that enable hundreds of pastors, lay persons, youth and adults to come for conferences who would otherwise not have been able to attend. |
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2024 Christmas letter 2024 Easter letter 2023 Christmas letter 2023 Easter letter 2022 Christmas letter 2022 Easter letter 2021 Christmas letter 2021 Thanksgiving photo collage 2021 Easter letter 2020 Christmas letter 2020 Late spring letter 2020 Easter letter 2019 Christmas letter 2019 Easter letter 2018 Christmas letter 2018 Thank You letter 2018 Easter letter |

Donations by Mail
Make checks payable to Green Lake Conference Center and send to: Development Department, Green Lake Conference Center, W2511 State Road 23, Green Lake, WI 54941. Donations will go into our annual fund unless otherwise directed.

Green Lake relies on people, prayer and financial donations to make our dreams a reality. Since our first season in 1944, this is a place where people have come to experience a closer walk with God and to be inspired by great Christian leaders including Martin Luther King Jr., Leighton Ford and Philip Yancey. Financial gifts maintain and improve the facilities, provide programming, and fund scholarships that enable hundreds of pastors, lay persons, youth and adults to come for conferences who would otherwise not have been able to attend.

Help restore Roger Williams Inn
Roger Williams Inn is one of Green Lake Conference Center's iconic treasures. Built in 1930, its once beautiful exterior has visibly deteriorated and its interior needs renovation. Click here to learn about the hotel's fascinating history and how you can help restore this jewel!

Memory Lane
Memory Lane is a serene walkway from Roger Williams Inn along the lake to the Vesper Circle. One of the most beautiful and peaceful settings at Green Lake Conference Center, it is a place to honor people and relationships that have impacted your life. A worship service and dedication of new plaques placed on Memory Lane is held each year at Green Lake (Sunday morning, July 13, 2025). Download the brochure here: Memory Lane. Contact Jean Cornelius for more information.
Memory Lane is a serene walkway from Roger Williams Inn along the lake to the Vesper Circle. One of the most beautiful and peaceful settings at Green Lake Conference Center, it is a place to honor people and relationships that have impacted your life. A worship service and dedication of new plaques placed on Memory Lane is held each year at Green Lake (Sunday morning, July 13, 2025). Download the brochure here: Memory Lane. Contact Jean Cornelius for more information.

Planned Giving
Planned Giving is a wonderful way to include Green Lake Conference Center in your estate plans. There are several ways that you can make a planned gift to Green Lake. One way is through a gift annuity. When you create a gift annuity, you receive an immediate charitable tax deduction and the payments you receive are partially tax-free for a number of years. Upon your death, the remainder of the annuity is designated to Green Lake Conference Center. Download the Estate Planning brochure for other planned giving ideas.
The benefits of donating appreciated securities (either stocks or mutual funds) are tremendous. You are able to avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation, and you also get to deduct the full fair market value of the security at the time of gift. This is an excellent way to leverage your gift in support of our ministry. If you are interested in donating securities contact Brenda Morrell at (920) 294-7345 or BrendaM@glcc.org.
Matching Gifts
Green Lake Conference Center friends may have the chance to multiply the money that our ministry receives. Many businesses — from large corporations to regional companies — have matching gift programs set up to encourage their employees to donate money to charities and public service organizations. Even retired employees are often eligible to participate in their former employer's matching gift programs.
The typical matching gift program is set up so that a company or corporation gives the same amount of money its employee gave to the same charity. Green Lake Conference Center is eligible for many matching gift programs. To participate, simply:
The benefits of donating appreciated securities (either stocks or mutual funds) are tremendous. You are able to avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation, and you also get to deduct the full fair market value of the security at the time of gift. This is an excellent way to leverage your gift in support of our ministry. If you are interested in donating securities contact Brenda Morrell at (920) 294-7345 or BrendaM@glcc.org.
Matching Gifts
Green Lake Conference Center friends may have the chance to multiply the money that our ministry receives. Many businesses — from large corporations to regional companies — have matching gift programs set up to encourage their employees to donate money to charities and public service organizations. Even retired employees are often eligible to participate in their former employer's matching gift programs.
The typical matching gift program is set up so that a company or corporation gives the same amount of money its employee gave to the same charity. Green Lake Conference Center is eligible for many matching gift programs. To participate, simply:
- Check with your Human Resources or Matching Gift Department to see if your company has a matching gift program. Tell them that Green Lake Conference Center is a non-profit corporation which is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) and to which contributions are tax deductible under section 170.
- Fill out an application and send it with your donation to Green Lake Conference Center.